Tutorial Flash Nokia 205 Rm-862 With Phoenix

Flash Nokia 205 RM-862 dengan software phoenix sangat praktis dan liberate cukup dengan mempersiapkan software yang di butuhkan untuk melakukan proses flashing. sebelum melakukan proses flash lakukanlah backup semua information PENTING yang pernah disimpan atau tersimpan di memori internal ponsel Nokia Asha 205 anda, karna proses flash di Nokia Asha 205 RM-862 mampu menghapus semua information yang tersimpan di memori internal ponsel.

Software yang diperlukan untuk Flash Nokia 205 RM-862 :
* Phoenix_Service_Software_2012.50.001.49220 Searching Google
* Download Firmware Nokia 205 RM-862

Tutorial Flash Nokia Asha 205 RM-862 dengan software Phoenix

1. Open phoenix software yang sudah di instal di kompute.
2. Pada piliha hidangan File Pilih Open Product.
3. Selanjutnya pilih pilih Type RM Ponsel yang sesuai dengan ponsel ysng ingin anda flash, Cara mengetahui RM ponsel Bisa di lihat Di Stiker yang berada dibawah batrai ponsel atau dengan cara ketik *#0000# di ponsel anda.
4. Klik pilihan Menu "Flashing" Pilih "Firmware Update".
 dengan software phoenix sangat praktis dan liberate cukup dengan mempersiapkan software yang  Tutorial Flash Nokia 205 RM-862 With Phoenix
Tutorial Flash Nokia 205 RM-862 With Phoenix
5. Selanjutnya pilih Product code untuk memilih File Flash Nokia anda.
6. Pilih File Plash Nokia anda dan Klik OK
7. Centang Kolom "Dead Phone USB Flasing" dan Klik "Refurbish" untuk melakukan proses flash dan Sambungkan ponsel anda ke komputer menggunakan USB dan Pasang Batrai Ponsel+Press Power Key Phone.
8.Klik OK, Proses Flash akan berjalan dan tunggu sampai selesai.
 dengan software phoenix sangat praktis dan liberate cukup dengan mempersiapkan software yang  Tutorial Flash Nokia 205 RM-862 With Phoenix
Tutorial Flash Nokia 205 RM-862 With Phoenix
9.Flashing started.
10.Proses Downloading file: rm862__04.51.mcusw
11.Proses Downloading file: rm862__04.51.ppm_x
12.Proses Downloading file: rm862__04.51.image_x_059Q092
 dengan software phoenix sangat praktis dan liberate cukup dengan mempersiapkan software yang  Tutorial Flash Nokia 205 RM-862 With Phoenix
Tutorial Flash Nokia 205 RM-862 With Phoenix
13. Proses Flash selesai, Akan muncul kotak dialog Firmware updating succeeded tanda Proses Flash selesai dan Berhasil, Klik OK dan selesai.
 dengan software phoenix sangat praktis dan liberate cukup dengan mempersiapkan software yang  Tutorial Flash Nokia 205 RM-862 With Phoenix
Tutorial Flash Nokia 205 RM-862 With Phoenix
Berikut log hasil amount flash Nokia 205 RM-862
Flashing started
Creating production information items list
Product information items listing created
Backup non required
Flashing phone
Download files listing initiated
Waiting for USB device...
Sending EBL loader...
Sending EBL...
Boot successful
Downloading file: rm862__04.51.mcusw
Erasing 131070 bytes...
Total progress: 6%
Sending data...
Total progress: 13%
Erasing 131070 bytes...
Total progress: 20%
Sending data...
Total progress: 26%
Erasing 1048574 bytes...
Total progress: 29%
Total progress: 31%
Sending data...
Total progress: 40%
Erasing 24903678 bytes...
Total progress: 42%
Total progress: 44%
Total progress: 46%
Sending data...
Total progress: 48%
Total progress: 50%
Total progress: 52%
Erasing 262142 bytes...
Total progress: 56%
Total progress: 60%
Downloading file: rm862__04.51.ppm_x
Erasing 5655626 bytes...
Total progress: 62%
Total progress: 64%
Total progress: 66%
Total progress: 68%
Sending data...
Total progress: 71%
Total progress: 75%
Total progress: 79%
Downloading file: rm862__04.51.image_x_059Q092
Erasing 16646142 bytes...
Total progress: 81%
Total progress: 83%
Total progress: 85%
Sending data...
Total progress: 87%
Total progress: 89%
Total progress: 91%
Erasing 917502 bytes...
Total progress: 94%
Total progress: 97%
Total progress: 100%
Resetting device
Mobile device flashing completed.
Waiting for weep upwardly to kick up
Bootup successful
Verifying communication to production (before flash finalizing)
Communication verified
Product code changed
Doing factorysets
Factorysets complete
Reading Dynamic Camera Configuration ID 1
Updating configuration of photographic boob tube camera alongside ID 1
Dynamic Camera Configuration updating failed: 0x84167501 - AudioVisual: No configuration file matching the photographic boob tube camera refer string NI00CS00000401022F03 was found.
Loading default information to phone
Loading default information to phone
Getting Data Package
Reading production state
Starting backup/restore sub-procedure: information special pre-delay
data special pre-delay
data special pre-delay
Sub-procedure completed: Succeeded., lawsuit code: 0
Starting to backup/restore information item: ProductProfile, version: 1.1
Data Item backup/restore completed: Succeeded., lawsuit code: 0
Starting backup/restore sub-procedure: information special post-delay
data special post-delay
data special post-delay
Sub-procedure completed: Succeeded., lawsuit code: 0
Starting backup/restore sub-procedure: information special pre-delay
data special pre-delay
data special pre-delay
Sub-procedure completed: Succeeded., lawsuit code: 0
Starting to backup/restore information item: ISSVariantActivator, version: 1.0
Data Item backup/restore completed: Succeeded., lawsuit code: 0
Starting backup/restore sub-procedure: information special post-delay
data special post-delay
data special post-delay
Sub-procedure completed: Succeeded., lawsuit code: 0
Starting backup/restore sub-procedure: information special pre-delay
data special pre-delay
data special pre-delay
Sub-procedure completed: Succeeded., lawsuit code: 0
Starting to backup/restore information item: DateTimeSettings, version: 1.0
Data Item backup/restore completed: Succeeded., lawsuit code: 0
Starting backup/restore sub-procedure: information special post-delay
data special post-delay
data special post-delay
Sub-procedure completed: Succeeded., lawsuit code: 0
Backup/restore result: 0 out of iii items were non backed up
Default information loading complete
Stopping all operations, returning weep upwardly to default mode
All operations completed
Firmware updating succeeded

\Sekialah cara flash Nokia 205 RM-862 With Phoenix, selamat mencoba da biar anda berhasil sehingga ponsel anda mampu digunakan lagi.....

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