Tutorial Cara Flash Samsung B3310 With Ufs Hwk
Berikut yakni tutorial cara flash samsung GT-B3310 via HWK, proses flashing ini tentu saja bertujuan untuk melakukan perbaikan pada ponsel yang mengalami kerusakan ibarat kerusakan ponsel blank, fault menu, tidak ada ukiran pena di menu, ponsel terkunci, minta instruksi keamanan, dll.
Log hasil flash Samsung B3310 menggunakan ufs hwk
Tutorial Cara Flash Samsung B3310 With UFS HWK
- Silahkan download file samsung GT-B3310 di sini -> Download GT-B3310
- Exstrak file samsung B3310 yang sudah anda download tadi
- Jalankan UFS HWK
- Klik "Connect"
- Klik "Trident" dan pilih type ponsel anda "B3310"
- Klik "MCU" dan arahkan ke file yang sudah anda download tadi klik opened upwards dan klik "CTS/CSC" arah kan ke file yang suda anda exstrak tadi dan klik open.
- Pada tab "Interface" pilih COM ports sesuai dengan ports anda.
- Setelah semua simpulan anda persiapkan, selanjutnya pasang batrai ponsel anda dan tekan tombol bintang (*) pada ponsel untuk masuk ke download trend dan pasang USB kabel ke ponsel dan klik "write plash" untuk melakukan proses flash.
- Tunggu proses flashing simpulan dan Lepaskan kabel USB dan nyalakan ponsel B3310 anda, Lakukan Full reset dengan menekan *2767*3855# atau NAND Reset *2767*6362#
Log hasil flash Samsung B3310 menggunakan ufs hwk
Region: 1, 0x20000000-0x20000063, Length: 100 bytes
Region: 2, 0x2000C000-0x20011457, Length: 21592 bytes
Region: 3, 0x20016000-0x2001C59B, Length: 26012 bytes
Region: 4, 0x2001E000-0x2001E0B3, Length: 180 bytes
Region: 5, 0x2003803C-0x20056933, Length: 125176 bytes
Region: 6, 0x20058000-0x20058037, Length: 56 bytes
Region: 7, 0x20058138-0x2005CF3D, Length: 19974 bytes
Region: 8, 0x20078000-0x2018D30F, Length: 1135376 bytes
Region: 9, 0x20300000-0x22165B57, Length: 31873880 bytes
Regions : Indonesia,Java,Malaysia,Singapore,Thailand,Vietnam
Language: en,id,jv,ms,th,vi,zh(ta)
Release : 2009 Dec Rev: 5
Regions : LA
Release : 2009 Dec Rev: 6
Region: 1, 0x20000000-0x20000063, Length: 100 bytes
Region: 2, 0x2000C000-0x20011457, Length: 21592 bytes
Region: 3, 0x20016000-0x2001C59B, Length: 26012 bytes
Region: 4, 0x2001E000-0x2001E0B3, Length: 180 bytes
Region: 5, 0x2003803C-0x20056933, Length: 125176 bytes
Region: 6, 0x20058000-0x20058037, Length: 56 bytes
Region: 7, 0x20058138-0x2005CF3D, Length: 19974 bytes
Region: 8, 0x20078000-0x2018D30F, Length: 1135376 bytes
Region: 9, 0x20300000-0x22165B57, Length: 31873880 bytes
USB Boot Ok, McuId: 00050015, Ubl: 298501E7, 7-1.1 (Vision X115E)
Fll Boot Ok, Vers: 5.22, fl_sceptreeg_vx100_eval_usb_s06_t.sre
Flash1: Fl_Id: 00890000_88B00000 - Intel SIBLEY 1024
Flash2: Fl_Id: 00890000_88B00000 - Intel SIBLEY 1024
MCU File: CODE_B3310DXIL5.s3
Flashing NOR part...
Write Done, 33202426 byte(s), Time: 03:35
CTS File: CSC_B3310OLAIL6.csc
FS Formated (FDI)
FS Mounted (FDI)
Files Count: 117
FS Unmounted
FS Write Done, 10573906 byte(s), Time: 06:15
MSL3 CODE Mismatch, purpose [Repair MSL] non demand to Write E2P or MCU !
S/N : RPKZ603638
USB Closed, Reconnect Cable in addition to Repower Phone for Next Operation (SELESAI)
Region: 2, 0x2000C000-0x20011457, Length: 21592 bytes
Region: 4, 0x2001E000-0x2001E0B3, Length: 180 bytes
Region: 5, 0x2003803C-0x20056933, Length: 125176 bytes
Region: 6, 0x20058000-0x20058037, Length: 56 bytes
Region: 7, 0x20058138-0x2005CF3D, Length: 19974 bytes
Region: 8, 0x20078000-0x2018D30F, Length: 1135376 bytes
Regions : Indonesia,Java,Malaysia,Singapore,Thailand,Vietnam
Language: en,id,jv,ms,th,vi,zh(ta)
Release : 2009 Dec Rev: 5
Regions : LA
Release : 2009 Dec Rev: 6
Region: 1, 0x20000000-0x20000063, Length: 100 bytes
Region: 2, 0x2000C000-0x20011457, Length: 21592 bytes
Region: 3, 0x20016000-0x2001C59B, Length: 26012 bytes
Region: 4, 0x2001E000-0x2001E0B3, Length: 180 bytes
Region: 5, 0x2003803C-0x20056933, Length: 125176 bytes
Region: 6, 0x20058000-0x20058037, Length: 56 bytes
Region: 7, 0x20058138-0x2005CF3D, Length: 19974 bytes
Region: 8, 0x20078000-0x2018D30F, Length: 1135376 bytes
Region: 9, 0x20300000-0x22165B57, Length: 31873880 bytes
USB Boot Ok, McuId: 00050015, Ubl: 298501E7, 7-1.1 (Vision X115E)
Fll Boot Ok, Vers: 5.22, fl_sceptreeg_vx100_eval_usb_s06_t.sre
Flash1: Fl_Id: 00890000_88B00000 - Intel SIBLEY 1024
Flash2: Fl_Id: 00890000_88B00000 - Intel SIBLEY 1024
MCU File: CODE_B3310DXIL5.s3
Flashing NOR part...
Write Done, 33202426 byte(s), Time: 03:35
CTS File: CSC_B3310OLAIL6.csc
FS Formated (FDI)
FS Mounted (FDI)
Files Count: 117
FS Unmounted
FS Write Done, 10573906 byte(s), Time: 06:15
MSL3 CODE Mismatch, purpose [Repair MSL] non demand to Write E2P or MCU !
S/N : RPKZ603638
USB Closed, Reconnect Cable in addition to Repower Phone for Next Operation (SELESAI)
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